The Second Vatican Council called the whole Church to reflect on the role
of the laity in the Church. It reminded us that all Christians, by virtue
of their baptism, are called to spread the gospel, to continue the work
of building the Kingdom of God, and, most especially, to offer worship.
The laity have the privilege and duty to spread the message of salvation so
that it may be known and accepted by all people throughout the world. We are
challenged to apply the gospel to the concrete situations and actual
circumstances of our lives. According to the Church, the source from which
we draw in order to accomplish this work is the liturgy (i.e., what takes
place when a community gathers for Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, or the
sacraments). For the work of the Church to continue most effectively,
therefore, lay women and men must have the opportunity for liturgical
education, enabling them to enter into full, active, and conscious
participation in the liturgy.
In order to accomplish this goal the Liturgical Studies Program at the St.
Lawrence Catholic Campus Center will provide:
- All Catholic students with the opportunity to regularly celebrate
vibrant, faith-enriching liturgy
- Liturgical training, spiritual formation, and theological education
for students as liturgical ministers and lay leaders in their future
Liturgical Ministries
All students are invited and encouraged to share their talents and
interests with the St. Lawrence community by becoming involved in a
liturgical ministry.
- Altar server - serves the community by assisting
at the altar
- Eucharistic minister - shares the Body and Blood
of Christ with the community assembled for Mass
- Lector - proclaims the scripture readings to the
assembled faith community preparation for liturgies
- Usher/Greeter - welcomes the faithful as they arrive
for Mass
- Sacristan - prepares the chapel for Mass and returns
the sacred objects used during the liturgy to the sacristy after Mass
Lay ministers will receive liturgical training, theological education and
spiritual formation pertaining specifically to the ministry in which they are
involved. Liturgical ministries at the St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center are
open to all Catholic students, faculty and staff at the University of