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Liturgical Music

Since its beginning, the Church has sung and prayed "in choir" sharing among its members the burden and the joy, the duty and delight of offering ceaseless praise and prayer to God. This choral tradition has led to the development of a rich heritage of liturgical music, deemedStudents reading music by the Second Vatican Council to be a "treasure of immeasurable value." The liturgical renewal, begun a century and a half ago, and summarized in the Second Vatican Council, calls the Church today to embrace this heritage as the heart of its liturgical expression, and to encourage the on-going creation of sacred art "for the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful." The St. Lawrence Center has the opportunity to lead Catholic students into a deeper participation in the priestly prayer of Christ, who is always present in the Church "when it prays and sings." (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 7)

The goals of the Liturgical Music Program are to train Catholic students at the University of Kansas for musical leadership at various levels, through attention to and commitment of resources to the following:

  1. Strong congregational singing and musical literacy are essential to the liturgical prayer of the Church. These qualities are achieved over time through competent musical leadership, exposure to and familiarity with the highest quality of liturgical music, and on-going educational opportunities.
  2. Chapel Choir prepares students for future participation in parish music ministry. The experiences of choral singing, beautiful liturgical celebration, and the fostering of musical literacy lead students into full participation in the liturgical life of the Church on a local, regional and national level.
  3. Choir Tours allow the music ministry of the St. Lawrence Center to extend the mission of spreading the Gospel to local, regional, and even international settings. In 2003, a trip to Austria, Hungary and Sweden will bring students and guests into contact with the tradition allowing them to minister to those experiencing Catholicism in a European context.
  4. A Cantor Practicum provides liturgical formation and practical training for cantors, preparing students to participate in this ministry in parishes to which they will belong in the future.
  5. Instrumentalists provide solo and ensemble instrumental music for liturgies, Vespers Concerts and special events.
  6. Choral Scholarships help prepare musically talented students for professional, semi-professional or volunteer music ministry, depending on skills and academic credentials. At least three choral scholars will gain valuable experience through service as chapel choir section leaders. Vocal and organ scholarships are also available.
  7. Midwestern Catholic Youth Chorale (MCYC) plants seeds for a vocation in Catholic liturgical music in high school students before they enter college, and helps to recruit talented young Catholic musicians to KU and St. Lawrence. Many students selected from a multi-state pool of applicants will receive exposure, training, and primary formation in choral music, liturgy, organ and voice. The camp, held annually, provides valuable teaching experience for the choral scholars and graduate assistants at St. Lawrence.
  8. Friends of Chapel Music is a support organization composed of permanent community members of the St. Lawrence Center. The group provides hospitality and receptions for the concerts, special liturgies, and outings for the ensembles in the Music Ministry.

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