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Student Organizations

Student Advisory Council

See the Councils page for information.

Peer Mentors

Anyone who remembers their first week on campus can understand our desire to help incoming freshmen and transfer students adjust to KU and Lawrence. The opening weeks can be a nightmare for the new student who runs into problems or who has unanswered questions. In order to help make their arrival at KU a pleasant and memorable experience, several returning St. Lawrence students serve as peer mentors at the beginning of each academic year. They introduce new students to services and programs both at the University and at St. Lawrence and they sponsor events that help new students meet other students. Students interested in serving as mentors receive training and information to help them be effective in welcoming and assisting new students. Any new student who would like to have a peer mentor can call the Center at 785-843-0357.

KU Students for Life

A major part of being Catholic is about supporting pro-life activities, and St. Lawrence Center accomplishes this through helping to structure and manage the KU Students for Life (KUSFL). Interested students can explore the Church's theological teachings regarding several issues, such as abortion, death penalty, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, genetic manipulation, reproductive technology and others. Participants gain education and leadership experience in the pro-life ministries.

Social Justice Team

This group deals with everyday issues concerning social justice, including pro-life, hunger, poverty, human service and elder care issues. The social justice groups participate in special service events on campus and in the community, and partner with ICAN and Mother-to-Mother. Students interested in serving in their community can join one of the social justice groups:

  • CARE - Catholics Actively Reaching the Elderly
  • Community Action
  • Hunger Awareness
  • KU Students for Life
  • REACH - Religious Education for the Community Handicapped
  • Sunday Morning Childcare - working in the Nursery during morning Masses
  • Partnerships - ICAN and Mother to Mother
CCHD-Catholic Campaign for Human Development Intern

This is a joint venture between the national CCHD office in Washington D.C. and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. We host a CCHD student intern in Catholic Social Teaching for one year. The goal of this venture is to train and thus empower a young adult to be a voice among their peers here on campus, in Lawrence and in the Kansas City area.

Graduate Student Group

The goal of this group is to gather graduate students together to share their faith and participate in service and social opportunities. All are welcome to join us on Friday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the living room of the St. Lawrence Center. This is a casual way to meet with peers and to support one another and share weekly joys and challenges.

Catholic Law Student Association

The Catholic Law Student Association is a student organization committed to the professional and spiritual development of law students. The weekly meetings revolve around insightful discussion based on the Natural Law tradition of the Catholic Church. Join us, and learn to integrate your faith life with the practice of law.

Catholic Professional Student Society

The Catholic Professional Student Society is a student organization committed to the professional and spiritual development of Business students. This group meets to discuss the application of the social doctrines of the Church in the field of business as well as how to live out our Catholic calling in the ordinary life. Come, discover the ethical and spiritual dimensions of the Christian vocation of the laity!

picture of students

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